Thursday, February 24, 2011

Running A....w....A...y.....

I am a runner. Not the athletic type that put one leg in front of the other, move fast, and do that for an extended period of time; I do not like that type of running. I am a runner in the sense that when things get tough, when decision become difficult, when I don't know up from down; I disengage.

I am not always like this, sometimes I am able to put on the big boy pants and just plow through the issues, but as of late, I want to run. I catch myself daydreaming about what it would be like to move out west. What would happen if at the end of the semester, instead of going wherever I will really go, I go west. I would end up somewhere in the north west. I could learn how to hike, learn to actually enjoy athletic running, I could wear flannel, I could get a job as a something, who knows what. I could run.

I don't know why I find this so fascinating; I would be leaving behind all my friends and family, everything and anything I am comfortable or familiar with. I think it has to do with the image, I don't like what I see, and so running away where no one knows my image as well. This way I can be ok with running away from looking at my image, cause if no one else knows it, than I don't have to either! Great plan......poop plan!

How do you even go about figuring out our image. Do you base it on personality, what you do, who you associate yourself with; all of the above.

This makes me think of the sorting hat from Harry Potter. The hat tells all the first year kids where they should go into house wise. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. It is based on your personality and character. Which fits what house. I want that, I want the magic sorting hat to tell me who I am, and then I can end up knowing which house I belong in ;)

Someday I will have it all figured out! hahaha

.........I am off to the North West!! ................

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